Tuesday 26 July 2011

Not Listening!

Well since in my life I feel their is a lot of people that don't listen to me I figured I would let it out here about how annoyed I am that EVERYBODY don't listen. I get people tell me that I am loud and I try to explain its  because I have to talk over everybody else to be heard..and I mean my kids and husband,parents and friends but they all seem to think that I don't but I do.
Even strangers don't listen. Honestly I think the world is gone def and nobody stops to listen to whatever everyone else is saying because they honestly don't give a crap what is going on with everyone else. Look I am not by any means saying that I am perfect but goodness...I listen more then the people I know anyway.
I am constantly listening to what I should wear or do with my life or how about listening to older people on how to raise my kids because they think they know better.
I am always arguing with my son cause he never stops to listen to what I am saying and that really bothers me and he gets it from his dad because he does not listen to me either. All my son does is cry and whine till he gets his own way or at least thinks he is going to get his own way and it never works..instead he ends up in trouble and still has to do what I told him to do but he could have saved an hour of arguing and not gotten in trouble just by saying 'yes mommy'...
LOL that is kind of what they told my husband to do at our wedding. Say 'yes dear' to everything and he would be fine :)
I sometimes just shut up and be quiet just so all the 'not listening and arguing and raised voices' can stop.Really what is so bad about listening to other people..I do it all the time and I am sorry if I am repeating myself but there is really not much else to say other then people don't listen to me and I have tried to say that and it just does not work.
I don't know maybe someday somebody will eventually get a clue...