Thursday 14 July 2011

The long road

Today is our 5th anniversary. Seems so small compared to other couples who have been together for 22 or 66 years or whatever but to us its still a huge mile stone.
Not like we have been on the edge of always leaving and it was a struggle to get here...we Love each other and always have, just our life took a different turn then we planned and through the ups and downs we have had time to relax enough to say "hey, we made it this far..." (LMAO)!
We had a nice relaxing supper...and anybody who has kids knows what i mean..relaxing meals are things of the past when u have little kids. We are constantly trying to get our oldest to sit down long enough to eat and our little one is constantly makeing a racket while we eat cause she wants our food or we aren't feeding her fast, we got a babysitter (bless my mother!) and we went out.
The food was great and like every mom or almost every mom I am guessing or at least every mom I know I was the whole time secretly wondering if the kids were all right even though I KNOW when they are with my mom they are just fine.
My gift from my husband on our anniversary was... wait for it...


last mintue he gave me a card.
The card discribed him to a T and it was very sweet but isn't it just like a guy to go ahead and forget about gifts..he did not forget it was our anniversary and remembered to be ready to go out for supper but that was all. yes i got him something and in fact i am not really that mad...just disapointed and totally saw it coming.
Well besides that nothing else much happend..we watched a movie and what else are you going to do right? once the little ones are in bed we just want to veg on the couch and we like it that way.
Nice to be with someone long enough to do nothing and I am sure that we are going to have more eventful years to come.