Thursday 12 July 2012

some dissapointment along the way...

So I have fell off my band wagon. I managed to get down to 231 which makes a total weight loss of 24 lbs! but i got a bad head cold the same time as my period along with both my kids last month and then had 5 family members here for two day and after that 4 left but one stayed for a week and I was miserable...anyway with all that family all we did was eat and with all that sickness all I did was sit or sleep and I gained about 4 lbs back :(
I have been trying for the last two weeks to get back on track from it and with no avail, I am still 4 lbs over and I feel sluggish and tired, I exercise a bit but then I am to tired to keep going, must be all this hot weather we have been having lately but either way its dissapointing and discouraging and my goal of being 199 by christmas seems to be going down the drain.
I try to watch some encouaging videos to get me back on track thinking that if they could do it then so can I but it is just so easy to get back into the rut I was before with just sitting and eating and feeling sorry for my self thinking that things are never gonna change and wishing I had someone there to make me change.
But you know what, actually seeing me write this down is really gross I am totally thinking that I can do this again I have to get out of this little rut and by christmas I shall be 199lbs!! or at least I hope so, I haven't been under 200 in 5 years and when I was in high school I was between 130 and 140 so that is my over all goal but for now just to get 36 lbs gone would be a blessing, yeah I think that is right (not the best at
Well it may be short but lets see how I do gonna be really busy this summer so may not get another post in till the end of august, so on the last note hope everyone has a great summer and wish me luck!