Thursday 24 May 2012

Two Weeks in...

So I estimate that I am about two weeks into my exercise and counting calories maybe even a little more but I forgot to write on my calendar the day I started exercising and I have absolutly no memory, so I have a big calendar where I write everything that me and my family of four have to do but if I don't write down stuff right away I forget.
Anyway I have lost 4 lbs!!! yup four whole lbs, may not seem a lot to other people but for me that is just the start and it is a help to keep me going. So now I shall tell ya how I have been doing this starting with my calories because I have tried to count calories before actually twice before in the last five years I have been on at least five diets that never succeded but anyway counting calories is a HUGE PAIN!!! but I found an app for my ipod called My fitness Pal (calorie and diet counter) and it is awesome!
You put in how much you weigh me: 245 and your goal wieght me :145 and then it calculates how many calories you should be eating me: 1,240 a day to get me to the huge weight I am now I was eating more like 2,000 calories a day and no exercise for a lot of different reasons btw, don't just assume that someone is lazy.
Anyway this app is awesome you put in the food you eat and it can tell you how much calories the food is, it adds the calories and you can also add in your exercise as well so for example for breakfast I had corn pops and milk 160 calories and I had a 30 min walk pushing a stroller which burned 136 calories totally awesome it helps me keep track of everything I am eating now if you have diabetes it does not help you with that but I have my diabetes under control and I know what I am suppose to eat or drink for that.
Next thing is the exercise, I dance, walk, I have a tredmill, I have exercise videos and YOUTUBE people!! They videos may only be 10 min long there are some that are almost an hour but every min of exercise counts and I also go on youtube to keep me motivated to move because there are some day I would rather sit with a nice big bag of chips then to get up and move.
But I don't , I haven't given up the chips completly but I went from every night to one night a week and I feel great...that it for now but in a couple of weeks hopefully another good update for you.