Friday 24 June 2011

And here I am

So this is my very first post. My very first blog in here's a little something before i sign off. I am 24, married for almost 5 years and i have two awesome kids, My son who's 4 and my little girl who is 8 mths. I am still figuring out how this blog stuff works and I am not the best at spelling or grammer or remembering that my i is suppose to be big when referring to please forgive any
I am here to voice my point of view on life then again that is why most people are here but hey I just feel like i need to voice something before i explode..yes i have a lot to say and glad that i can say it here. I do not plan on offending anybody or nothing like that just ranting and raving with some comedy in there somewhere i
I'm a little corney or so i am told especially my snese of humor or according to some people my lack there of...i think i am pretty funny. Not stand up comic funny but as funny as the average person. There will be a lot of stuff in here about me being a mom because that is what i know.
I am a mom.
Plain and simple and have been for 4 years and no I DO NOT know everything!! came across a mom in a store once and she was a new mom who I knew her child only being a few months old and my child being about 3 at the time and i over heard her talking to her friend who was pregnant and she said and i quote *trust me i am a mom and i know everything* i bit my tounge and walked away...what mom knows really every person in my opinion is still learning until the day they die! as i said i know her but is not friends with her...did not like what she said in the least..nice that she has confidence but there are other reasons i do not like this girl either and we will not get into that.
I like coffee a lot! started getting into when i was pregnant with my first child (my son) cravings is all i got to and i like to read and watch tv and cook and dance and I love music and drawing...i have not picked up a pencil in a while due to not really having time with the kids around but i can draw...probibly not worth being called an artist but i know i can draw..i do have a gift there but just not fine tuned.
So my husband and I started dating my last year of high school and have been together ever since. Things went faster then planned but hey it happened for a married and had a baby about a year later and that was the fast part along with the baby growing into a big kid and now having another they grow fast. Things weren't exactly as planned but you go with the flow and see how things end up and so far there has been bad parts but moslty good parts.
So this is it for now to bed cause the kids will be up soon...for whoever decideds to read this let me know what u think and there will definatly be more of me...


Burko said...

Let's try this commenting thing again!

Fuzzybattlekitten? I don't know where you came up with that one, but I LOVE IT!

I'm really glad to see you writing this - I've never been able to keep up with blogging myself (I'm about as good at regular blog posts as I am at responding to email, which as you know is not very good. :P) - but I think blogging and you will make a great fit. ;)
