Wednesday 12 September 2012

just a little less :)

Well I have started to get back into it, its been a while and its been tough but well worth it and everytime I step on the scales I feel awesome [as long as the number is lower] and lately it has been. I am now down to 227! yeah thats right, only 2 more lbs and that will be 30 lbs gone!! this is awesome, I have never actually lost anything from trying and here I am with 28 lbs gone and that is awesome.
I still have a lot of work to do and everyday is a struggle, I don't feel so heavy in fact for the most part I feel great but its still hard to get up in the morning and its still really hard to get my exercising in, low motivation to get moving and hard to exercise with two kids in the house because all they wanna do is climb all over but its ok I have now got my husband in on it, although is a really fit [skinny] guy and dosen't need to he is doing it for me.
My support system is awesome and so glade that I have it, now if only I could get that extra little kick in the butt to get me moving faster with my workouts and doing a little more and even though I am eating better and less I am still not eating less enough or better enough.
This is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE and I still have a long way to go especially with keeping in mind that I am doing this for my health because its so hard to not want to just be skinny to be beautiful. From what we see on tv and everywhere in our society skinny is beautiful not fat but ladies remember that beautiful comes in many shapes and sizes, the best thing a woman can do is be confident and love herself which is so hard when there are so many people in life that want to bring you down for something, trust me I know.
well sorry to cut things short but busy busy